Monday, 12 March 2007

Why are we sikh working for rss in uk

These three articals are, one from hindu forum of britian and two from sikh sangat . These are articals without any proff tell me if am wrong i have been quit a lot of these meeting where their has been a discusion on this subject. They allways talk about 300 sikhs girls have been taken by fource and converted to islam and been raped this that the other,do have any evidence to back their claims.I personaly know that a few sikh girls do marry muslims and convert top islam by their own free will nobody ever fources them,a few muslim girls do marry sikhs and convert top sikhism by their own free will nobody ever fources them .We can say their are lot of reasons why this happens in this country eg:

  • were they proper sikh to start of with and other

but why is thie issue been taken up by us so has nothing to do with sikhi, it is just a way hindu extermist using to fight their fight.Hindu extremist Hate islam and will do any thing to attack islam and we sikhs are acting like idots doge fighting for them i fell ashamed my self for going to the uni to protest for these idots.Iam sorry i did not know any better at the time. Hindu extremist have been using sikhs do their dirty work by pumping us up with lies and this is wat is happening here.Sikhs are acting like slave dogs taking order from their bramin master,this is not sikhi it is fullishness.

Met and Hindus to work closer to build community confidence

Over 160 delegates attended the Hindu Security Conference 2007 organised by the Hindu Forum of Britain, the National Hindu Students Forum and the Metropolitan Police to discuss and debate issues ranging from faith and identity; radicalisation and extremism on campus; to safety in street crime and Stop and Search.
Sir Ian Blair, Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police assured the community that positive action would be taken to engage with British Hindus after admitting that, "There is a feeling in the Hindu community that we have not given them as much attention as other groups."
Other speakers and panelists at the conference included Tony McNulty MP, Minister for State for Security and Policing Dr Rob Berkeley, Deputy Director of the Runnymede Trust, Raj Joshi, the senior-most Hindu serving in the Crown Prosecution Service, Commander Rod Jarman, Cllr Richard Barnes from the Metropolitan Police Association and Chief Superintendent Steve Jordan, Security Lead on the Commission of Integration and Cohesion.
The conference saw passionate discussions around a wide range of subjects like aggressive conversion techniques by Islamic radicals targeted at young Hindu girls, mistaken identities leading to Islamophobic attacks on Hindus, hate crime against temples and community centres and under-reporting of crime by Hindu victims. The Metropolitan Police has assured the Hindu community here that it will take action against aggressive conversion techniques and intimidation being employed against Hindu girls by radical Muslim groups in university campuses.
Tom Lund-Lack, an expert on Islamist Terrorism at the Met, spoke on vital differences between terrorist groups like the Provisional IRA and al-Qaeda, while Commander Rod Jarman spoke about the impact of Stop and Search of ethnic communities.
Ramesh Kallidai, secretary general of the Hindu Forum of Britain said, "The conference focussed on many important issues including the question of identity, street crime, and radicalisation. The police and other agencies may not know about the high levels of resentment building up in the Hindu and Sikh communities over aggressive conversion techniques and intimidation by radical Islamist groups on campuses. We need to look at positive action rather than just speaking on these issues. I hope the proposed Hindu Safety Forum will be able to tackle these issues. with some positive actions."

UK Police Soft on Islamic Student RecruitersBy [unknown placeholder $$]Feb 22, 2007 - 3:53:01 PM
Police are working with universities to clamp down on the practice of 'Aggressive Conversion' that has seen girls beaten up and forced to abandon university courses, announced Sir Ian Blair, Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police. However, he was left red-faced as a storm erupted simultaneously over conversion tactics and alleged Racial and Religious hatred being spread at the Islamic Society at Coventry University.Police assured the community that it will take action against aggressive conversion techniques and intimidation being employed against girls by radical Muslim groups in university campuses. It was stated that those most at risk are Hindu or Sikh girls, who are especially vulnerable.This was announced on Wednesday at a conference organised by the Hindu Forum of Britain and the National Hindu Students Forum.At the same time, in Coventry University furore erupted within the Sikh and wider Indian community over how the Student Guild, an academic body, allowed an event which is in direct breach of UK legislation by inciting religious hatred in the Sikh and Hindu communities as well as racial hatred in the wider Indian community.It is alleged that in the meeting, a youngster called 'Aman Dhaliwal' (a former Sikh) announced he was no longer a Sikh and had now embraced Islam and strongly encouraged others to do likewise. Sources say leaflets and literature were distributed with the same intent. The same group of extremists have appeared at Islamic Societies across the UK. This is a flyer for an event distributed in Central London:Joanne Thomas, General Manager, claimed that "Coventry University Students’ Union is conducting a thorough investigation of this matter".The conversion tactics of extremists resembles a group called Al-Muhajiroun, which is currently underground in the UK. In previous years the group organised similair large events wherein previous non-Muslims would criticise and denounce their faith and exclaim why they embraced Islam. At the last official event organised by the group in 2004, similair furore was created and members of the Sikh, Hindu and wider Indian community peacefully protested in London against the incitement of hatred. Thousands of members of the BNP also protested although their protest was less peaceful.Islamic extremist groups have utilised University Islamic Societies for many years, with the Police and University authorities only talking but with little action in reality. Last November, Higher Education minister Bill Rammell stated University campuses had become focal points for Islamic extremism.Ramesh Kallidai, secretary general of the Hindu Forum of Britain said, "The Police and other agencies have no idea about the high levels of resentment building up in the Hindu and Sikh communities over aggressive conversion techniques and intimidation by radical Islamist groups on campuses. Families are breaking down, while some of our girls have been beaten up and had to leave university. We need to look at positive action rather than just speaking on these issues."

Muslims Blackmailing Student Girls to ConvertBy [unknown placeholder $$]Mar 3, 2007 - 4:12:21 PM
Radical Muslims are blackmailing young Sikh women into changing religion in “groomed conversions” on campuses.The men aggressively target vulnerable university students by using the fear of being dishonoured to force them to convert, community leaders have told the press. Many befriend their victims, then threaten to tell their families that they are in a sexual relationship with a Muslim. Some teenagers are said to have been drugged and photographed in compromising positions. Many comply because they are so afraid of shaming their parents or being rejected by their communities.Police are aware of the problem. Sir Ian Blair, the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, recently attended a conference where the issue was raised. But police are powerless to act unless incidents are reported. This rarely happens because the stigma of a child converting to Islam often silences Sikh parents.Community elders say that the practice is widespread but their estimates vary from 100 annual incidents nationwide to 120 in the past few months in the South East alone.Ranjeet Singh, of the British Organisation of Sikh Students, said: “There are cases of aggressive techniques, of drugging and of rape, of the man taking photos and blackmailing the girls into converting.“They know that by dishonouring the girls, they will make their families disown them. In the past few months there have been about 120 cases in Luton and the South East. It’s a problem that has been going on for a while, but a lot of people are reluctant to come forward and there’s not much being done.“It’s not the whole Muslim community, it’s extremist individuals. Some girls are very innocent and vulnerable when they go to university. Then they are befriended by these men. We know of some whose lives have been ruined.”Some of the young women have suffered physical violence. Others have said that the men claimed to have been paid to convert their victims.Another spokesperson said “The main problem is these girls feel very vulnerable and intimidated by these men. They talk about it to their friends, who tell us what is happening, but don’t want to speak to the police. Some families are completely broken apart by it. It becomes difficult to admit in public.“One girl was beaten up when she refused to convert. She is petrified. She only spoke to one other girl about it, who contacted us.”One Sikh organisation sets up telephone helplines and arranges visits to temples to raise awareness of the problem. Its leader, who wishes his identity and the group’s to remain anonymous, said: “This is very much taboo. These issues have been going on for many years and come to the boil at university.“I deal with many very serious cases. There are horrific examples of abuse and blackmail, with men saying they’re going to tell the girl’s parents. Then they’re pretty much trapped. We call it groomed conversions. Some of the girls go through with it because they feel they have no choice.“The men start a relationship with them, with the agenda of conversion down the line. Sometimes they take a picture of her in a compromising position. It’s so easy with camera phones. An 18-year-old girl ends up in a situation that she can’t control.”He said that the extremists were exploiting the Sikh community’s tendency to treat conversion as a grave dishonour, adding: “That’s a cultural mindset we need to tackle. It’s the worst thing you could face — worse than bankruptcy or losing your job.”A Metropolitan Police spokeswoman confirmed “we are aware of it as an issue that concerns". She went on to state "we would encourage anyone who has been targeted in this way to seek help.”

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