Thursday, 15 March 2007

women in sikhism

Women in Sikh religion

The women in Sikh religion are considered total equal to man. Their are no different treatment at all. Then why do we behave like Hindus, I women should protect her self she is not a sheep that needs protection from men. Guru Gobind Singh Je has given her the full right to fight for her rights and protect her self. Its is not like we are Hindu and need to follow their way as it show en in the article below about the condition of women in Hinduism.

The status of women in Hinduism

II – 100. Whatever exists in the world is the property of the Brahmana; on account of the excellence of his origin the Brahmana is indeed, entitled to it all. Including all kind of wealth, foods, he can have every woman in the world including his own mother, sister or daughter.

Women is a slave of the bramana and she must live her life according to his wishes

IX – 317. A Brahmin, whether learned or ignorant, is a powerful divinity.

IX – 3 . Her father protects (her) in childhood, her husband protects (her) in youth and her sons protect (her) in old age; a woman is never fit for independence.

IX – 18. Women have no business with the text of the veda.

IX – 189. The property of a Brahmana must never be taken by the king, that is a settled rule; but (the property of men) of other castes the king may take on failure of all (heirs).

If you have read this article and think its joke you can check this for your self on the following website

Is this is the kind of society we want live in as Sikhs where are sister and ,mother and daughter have no rights. There are many stupid so called Sikh organization which claim that they want to protect Sikh women because they are week and we mans need to protect them. This need to change if we want our girls to become Sikh and be a part of panth.

Monday, 12 March 2007

Why are we sikh working for rss in uk

These three articals are, one from hindu forum of britian and two from sikh sangat . These are articals without any proff tell me if am wrong i have been quit a lot of these meeting where their has been a discusion on this subject. They allways talk about 300 sikhs girls have been taken by fource and converted to islam and been raped this that the other,do have any evidence to back their claims.I personaly know that a few sikh girls do marry muslims and convert top islam by their own free will nobody ever fources them,a few muslim girls do marry sikhs and convert top sikhism by their own free will nobody ever fources them .We can say their are lot of reasons why this happens in this country eg:

  • were they proper sikh to start of with and other

but why is thie issue been taken up by us so has nothing to do with sikhi, it is just a way hindu extermist using to fight their fight.Hindu extremist Hate islam and will do any thing to attack islam and we sikhs are acting like idots doge fighting for them i fell ashamed my self for going to the uni to protest for these idots.Iam sorry i did not know any better at the time. Hindu extremist have been using sikhs do their dirty work by pumping us up with lies and this is wat is happening here.Sikhs are acting like slave dogs taking order from their bramin master,this is not sikhi it is fullishness.

Met and Hindus to work closer to build community confidence

Over 160 delegates attended the Hindu Security Conference 2007 organised by the Hindu Forum of Britain, the National Hindu Students Forum and the Metropolitan Police to discuss and debate issues ranging from faith and identity; radicalisation and extremism on campus; to safety in street crime and Stop and Search.
Sir Ian Blair, Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police assured the community that positive action would be taken to engage with British Hindus after admitting that, "There is a feeling in the Hindu community that we have not given them as much attention as other groups."
Other speakers and panelists at the conference included Tony McNulty MP, Minister for State for Security and Policing Dr Rob Berkeley, Deputy Director of the Runnymede Trust, Raj Joshi, the senior-most Hindu serving in the Crown Prosecution Service, Commander Rod Jarman, Cllr Richard Barnes from the Metropolitan Police Association and Chief Superintendent Steve Jordan, Security Lead on the Commission of Integration and Cohesion.
The conference saw passionate discussions around a wide range of subjects like aggressive conversion techniques by Islamic radicals targeted at young Hindu girls, mistaken identities leading to Islamophobic attacks on Hindus, hate crime against temples and community centres and under-reporting of crime by Hindu victims. The Metropolitan Police has assured the Hindu community here that it will take action against aggressive conversion techniques and intimidation being employed against Hindu girls by radical Muslim groups in university campuses.
Tom Lund-Lack, an expert on Islamist Terrorism at the Met, spoke on vital differences between terrorist groups like the Provisional IRA and al-Qaeda, while Commander Rod Jarman spoke about the impact of Stop and Search of ethnic communities.
Ramesh Kallidai, secretary general of the Hindu Forum of Britain said, "The conference focussed on many important issues including the question of identity, street crime, and radicalisation. The police and other agencies may not know about the high levels of resentment building up in the Hindu and Sikh communities over aggressive conversion techniques and intimidation by radical Islamist groups on campuses. We need to look at positive action rather than just speaking on these issues. I hope the proposed Hindu Safety Forum will be able to tackle these issues. with some positive actions."

UK Police Soft on Islamic Student RecruitersBy [unknown placeholder $$]Feb 22, 2007 - 3:53:01 PM
Police are working with universities to clamp down on the practice of 'Aggressive Conversion' that has seen girls beaten up and forced to abandon university courses, announced Sir Ian Blair, Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police. However, he was left red-faced as a storm erupted simultaneously over conversion tactics and alleged Racial and Religious hatred being spread at the Islamic Society at Coventry University.Police assured the community that it will take action against aggressive conversion techniques and intimidation being employed against girls by radical Muslim groups in university campuses. It was stated that those most at risk are Hindu or Sikh girls, who are especially vulnerable.This was announced on Wednesday at a conference organised by the Hindu Forum of Britain and the National Hindu Students Forum.At the same time, in Coventry University furore erupted within the Sikh and wider Indian community over how the Student Guild, an academic body, allowed an event which is in direct breach of UK legislation by inciting religious hatred in the Sikh and Hindu communities as well as racial hatred in the wider Indian community.It is alleged that in the meeting, a youngster called 'Aman Dhaliwal' (a former Sikh) announced he was no longer a Sikh and had now embraced Islam and strongly encouraged others to do likewise. Sources say leaflets and literature were distributed with the same intent. The same group of extremists have appeared at Islamic Societies across the UK. This is a flyer for an event distributed in Central London:Joanne Thomas, General Manager, claimed that "Coventry University Students’ Union is conducting a thorough investigation of this matter".The conversion tactics of extremists resembles a group called Al-Muhajiroun, which is currently underground in the UK. In previous years the group organised similair large events wherein previous non-Muslims would criticise and denounce their faith and exclaim why they embraced Islam. At the last official event organised by the group in 2004, similair furore was created and members of the Sikh, Hindu and wider Indian community peacefully protested in London against the incitement of hatred. Thousands of members of the BNP also protested although their protest was less peaceful.Islamic extremist groups have utilised University Islamic Societies for many years, with the Police and University authorities only talking but with little action in reality. Last November, Higher Education minister Bill Rammell stated University campuses had become focal points for Islamic extremism.Ramesh Kallidai, secretary general of the Hindu Forum of Britain said, "The Police and other agencies have no idea about the high levels of resentment building up in the Hindu and Sikh communities over aggressive conversion techniques and intimidation by radical Islamist groups on campuses. Families are breaking down, while some of our girls have been beaten up and had to leave university. We need to look at positive action rather than just speaking on these issues."

Muslims Blackmailing Student Girls to ConvertBy [unknown placeholder $$]Mar 3, 2007 - 4:12:21 PM
Radical Muslims are blackmailing young Sikh women into changing religion in “groomed conversions” on campuses.The men aggressively target vulnerable university students by using the fear of being dishonoured to force them to convert, community leaders have told the press. Many befriend their victims, then threaten to tell their families that they are in a sexual relationship with a Muslim. Some teenagers are said to have been drugged and photographed in compromising positions. Many comply because they are so afraid of shaming their parents or being rejected by their communities.Police are aware of the problem. Sir Ian Blair, the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, recently attended a conference where the issue was raised. But police are powerless to act unless incidents are reported. This rarely happens because the stigma of a child converting to Islam often silences Sikh parents.Community elders say that the practice is widespread but their estimates vary from 100 annual incidents nationwide to 120 in the past few months in the South East alone.Ranjeet Singh, of the British Organisation of Sikh Students, said: “There are cases of aggressive techniques, of drugging and of rape, of the man taking photos and blackmailing the girls into converting.“They know that by dishonouring the girls, they will make their families disown them. In the past few months there have been about 120 cases in Luton and the South East. It’s a problem that has been going on for a while, but a lot of people are reluctant to come forward and there’s not much being done.“It’s not the whole Muslim community, it’s extremist individuals. Some girls are very innocent and vulnerable when they go to university. Then they are befriended by these men. We know of some whose lives have been ruined.”Some of the young women have suffered physical violence. Others have said that the men claimed to have been paid to convert their victims.Another spokesperson said “The main problem is these girls feel very vulnerable and intimidated by these men. They talk about it to their friends, who tell us what is happening, but don’t want to speak to the police. Some families are completely broken apart by it. It becomes difficult to admit in public.“One girl was beaten up when she refused to convert. She is petrified. She only spoke to one other girl about it, who contacted us.”One Sikh organisation sets up telephone helplines and arranges visits to temples to raise awareness of the problem. Its leader, who wishes his identity and the group’s to remain anonymous, said: “This is very much taboo. These issues have been going on for many years and come to the boil at university.“I deal with many very serious cases. There are horrific examples of abuse and blackmail, with men saying they’re going to tell the girl’s parents. Then they’re pretty much trapped. We call it groomed conversions. Some of the girls go through with it because they feel they have no choice.“The men start a relationship with them, with the agenda of conversion down the line. Sometimes they take a picture of her in a compromising position. It’s so easy with camera phones. An 18-year-old girl ends up in a situation that she can’t control.”He said that the extremists were exploiting the Sikh community’s tendency to treat conversion as a grave dishonour, adding: “That’s a cultural mindset we need to tackle. It’s the worst thing you could face — worse than bankruptcy or losing your job.”A Metropolitan Police spokeswoman confirmed “we are aware of it as an issue that concerns". She went on to state "we would encourage anyone who has been targeted in this way to seek help.”

Fource conversion

Every now and then there is excitement amongst Sikhs about conversions of Sikhs to other religions. This mostly concerns Sikh girls (young women ?) becoming Muslims, rarely about Sikhs becoming Christians and never about the many Sikhs who without any conversion are Hindus.Last week a leaflet was handed out after the Wednesday simran in the Sikh Missionary (Southall) about a conversion of a young Sikh woman to Islam by somebody who falsely claimed to be an ex prisoner in Guantanamo.The emphasis on Sikh ‘girls’ seems a bit hypocritical to me. Why do we never see postings about Sikh ‘boys’ becoming Muslims ? Can ‘boys’ decide for themselves, and are ‘girls’ to do what their fathers and brothers decide for them ? Can ‘girls’ not make up their own minds? I am of Christian background and became a Sikh, and people of Sikh background have the right to become Muslims. If we keep treating our sisters as second class citizens, do not be surprised if they are going to look elsewhere. Sikh men look wonderful with their turbans regardless whether they wear western or PanjabĂ­ clothes. ‘Sikh’ women look like any other Panjabi in their chunnis and salwar kameez. At Sikh meetings, if older women are present at all, they tend to sit in the background and agree with all that Bhai Sahib says. It takes courage for the likes of Mejinderpal Kaur, Parmjeet Kaur, Balwinder Kaur and Satnam Kaur to come amongst men who do not feel comfortable in their presence.We have to change ourselves, we should all stop being Hindus, stop emphasising our Panjabi culture, and emphasise on being SIKHS. We have to look like Sikhs and behave like Sikhs.
If we do that fewer people of Sikh background will become Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists or whatever.If you seriously think that somebody has been coerced into another religion by unethical means, then we can do something about it. We have good relations with the police, and when at one of our recent meeting I asked about forced conversions we were asked to report any such incident.The law of this country and Guru’s ‘law’ are at one in this respect. Forced conversions (and forced marriages) are unlawful. If you know of any such case and you do not feel confident to take it up with your local police, contact me and I will certainly take it up for you ! Guru taught us that all can reach God if sticking to the universal principles contained in the Guru Granth. Forcing people to change their religion or to marry against their wishes is against the law and not in tune with those universal principles.

Harjinder Singh Sikh Activist Columnist
Vice-Chair Faiths in Further Education
Forum Faith & Cultural Diversity Consultant Heston,
Middlesex, UK

we went their with up to 100 Sikh youth at the lecture, which was advertised to display trophy-converts, which included someone who claimed to have denounced his Sikh faith and embracing Islam. The lecture had the aim to ridicule, misinterpret and incite hatred against the Sikh faith in the hope to 'brain wash' innocent Sikh students into an extreme form of Islam. The organisers cancelled the talk by the speaker who was to publicly denounce and attack the Sikh faith and glorify Islam at London School of Pharmacy but are known to be holding them secretly at other universities
During the talk, the Dean of the University and the Student Union attempted to prevent the event from continuing. Some Muslim students attending the event clearly felt embarrassed by the actions of the Islamic Society attempting to ridicule and incite hatred against others.
One Sikh protester raised his arm to allow time to speak. He made it clear that 'Sikh' convert should not slander the Sikh Gurus, disrespect the Sikh religion and incite hatred against Sikhs in his talks and that the intended convert speaker should not speak because it the talks intention was to provoke hatred and confusion.
The Sikh Sangat left the Islamic Society event with grace and honour, which makes the Sikh community proud of them and their actions. The Sangat concluded the day at a Gurdwara Sahib where an Ardaas was offered for thanksgiving and for strength and determination to uphold the Guru's principles and serving the Guru. The whole incident highlighted that Gurmat Parchaar is needy in institutions like prisons, hospitals and schools and that every Sikhs needs to recognise his or her duty to know about their religion and defend their faith.

we are missing are very big point in this that women are equal to men in sikhism.they are not sheep which need protection from a man ,these organisation trying scar you are stupid nanak have given full rights to women to protest them self and if want impose that women or girls need to be protected by men then we are not sikhs we hindus.ours sisters need to inpower them self and use all means to protect them self,we are here to help them if they want but act instead of them.

Hindu Fundamentalism Organisations

Know Your Hindu Fundamentalism
Brahmanic Terrorist Organisations
The Sangh Parivar

Bajrang Dal
Ranvir Sena
Shiv Sena
Bharatiya Jan Sangh
Hindu Mahasabha
Hindu Students' Council
Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh
Arya Samaj
Ram Rajya Parishad

  • Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS)National Volunteers Association
    National Volunteers Association:The RSS was founded in 1925 by Keshav Baliram Hegdewar is the ideological fountainhead of the modern Hindutva movement. Organized around the concept of Shakas, a local cell formation where young men would gather for physical and ideological training, under the tutelage of a brother or dada, the RSS ideology as espousing the national cause was articulated over the next decade or more. Madhav Sadashiv Golwalkar, who was anointed head of the RSS shortly before his death by Hegdewar, clarified the idea of the nation in his treatise "We, or Our Nationhood Defined":
    We belive that our notions today about the Nation are erroneous... It is but proper therefore, at this stage, to understand what the Western Scholars state as the Universal Nation idea and correct ourselves (p. 21).
    Based on a racial idea of Nation Golwalkar in praise of Hitler says:
    To keep up the purity of the Race and its culture, Germany shocked the world by her purging the country of the semitic Races - the Jews... Germany has also shown how well nigh impossible it is for Races and cultures, having differences going to the root, to be assimilated into one united whole, a good lesson for us in Hindusthan to learn and profit by (p. 35).
    The above two quotes are only samples of what is a very clearly articulated twin pronged ideology of exclusion (of other races/religions) and supremacy (of Hindus). The RSS, cell like Shaka formation and the discipline inculcated within are central to its success as a fascist force. The RSS cultural and ideological work has not stayed within the boundaries of India. In the 1980's the RSS itself broached out. The Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (HSS), an organization modeled along RSS lines emerged in the US in the 1980's, openly claiming allegiance to the founding principles of the RSS.
    The RSS was founded in 1925 by the Maratha Brahmin Keshav Baliram Hegdewar [ Biju ] on the Aryan Vaishnava Holy day of Vijaya Dashami (the 10th day of the moon) when the Aryan invader Rama destroyed the Dravidian Empire of Lanka [ Sangh ]. This was done to symbolise its inherent anti-Sudra nature. Its organisation is highly skewed, with the Sar Sangh Chalak (supreme dictator) at the top [ Roots ]. This person can only be a Brahmin. It is the successor of Vivekananda and Arya Samaj in the Neo-Brahmanist fundamentalist movement. The militia is organised around local cells or `shakas' where weapons are distributed to its hardcore members, who are drilled in a vigorous program of harsh discipline. Vishnu temples serve as repositories of weapons as well as centers of dissemination of its racist ideology of Aryan supremacy. Its only leaders have been blue-eyed Sarasvat Brahmins, a condition enshrined in its constitution. The Brahmin Golwalkar, the second leader of the RSS, was trained as one of the hardcore followers of Vivekananda.
  • Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)Indian People's Party Indian Peoples party:This is Hindutva's parliamentary front which constantly makes efforts to breach the secular formation through parliamentary actions - elections, pushing for legislations of various kinds, making visible the ideology in limited and constitutional ways within mainstream political discourse. The BJP came into existence after the collapse of the Janata Party which came to power after Mrs. Gandhi's Emergency in 1979. The erstwhile Hindu parliamentary party - the Jan Sangh - had merged itself into the Janata Party in the wake of Emergency. However to call it a parliamentary party is to ignore its actual working. The party top leadership with few exceptions are all RSS cadre. The party participates in joint meetings with RSS leadership often. The election campaigns of the party are often significantly shaped and helped by RSS cadres of the local region campaigning for the party's candidate. In short, in more than one ways the relation between BJP and other Hindutva organizations is quite clearly visible.Its top leaders are all hardcore Brahminist RSS cadres. All its leaders have been Brahmins too. Generally, RSS cadre graduate to the BJP.

  • VHP (Vishwa Hindu Parishad)World Hindu Council
    World Hindu Council:The VHP was founded on August 29, 1964 in Bombay with the clear aim of being the activist wing, that would undertake aggressive actions in civil society as a whole. The first general secretary of the VHP made its goals clear as follows:
    It is therefore necessary in this age of competition and conflict to think of. and organise, the Hindu world to save itself from the evil eyes of all three {all three being Christianity, Islam and Communism).(From the Organiser, Diwali Special, 1964.)
    The VHP has gone on to do just that - spread out as a extra-parliamentary force throughout not just India, but the world. Its primary functions in India are to mobilize forces for agitational and violent purposes. It took part in the Cow Protection Movement though out the 60's and the 70's. The entire Babri Masjid movement was orchestrated by the VHP - steadfastly refusing to enter into any negotiation, rejecting the right of the judicial system in adjudicating on the issue and mobilizing often violent events with the clear intent of polarizing society and creating a political movement within public discourse of Hindutva - the Rath Yatras of the 1980's and the final demolition of the Babri Masjid in 1992 were orchestrated by the VHP in association with its "youth wing" the Bajrang Dal. Again the strategy of the Hindutva combine as a whole is palpably apparent here. BJP leaders for instance would participate in VHP sponsored events, but when the results of such events came out - such as violence and killings - the BJP would conveniently distance itself temporarily from the VHP.
    On the international front, the VHP's success lies in mobilizing migrant Hindus, especially the middle class and lower middle class. The VHP of America and its student wing the Hindu Student Council (which is present on many US and Canadian campuses) is the most obvious example of its international mobilization. The VHP of America and HSC's for instance conducted the the World Vision 2000 conference in Washington D.C in 1993, which became a rallying point for overseas Hindus and a ground for further recruitment in the wake of what many commentators called a "celebration" over the destruction of the mosque in India. The VHP of America and UK primary success can be seen if not in any other way in terms of financial clout - as it is the primary mode of channeling dollars and pounds into Hindutva politics back in India.
    The council was established on August 29, 1964 in Bombay, Maharastra [ Biju ] with a political objective of establishing the supremacy of Hinduism all over the world. It obtains funds and recruits from Aryan Hindus all across the globe, especially from the US, UK and Canada and has grown to become the main fund-raising agency of Brahmanist Fundamentalism. The council was instrumental in the demolition of the holiest Islamic shrine in Oudh, the Babri Masjid at Ayodhya and has organised several massacres of Muslims and Christians. It is in the forefront in the call for a Hindu Rashtra, a Hindu State ethnically cleansed of its non-Aryan populations.

  • Bajrang Dal Party of Hanuman The militant wing of the VHP, it was formed "to counter `Sikh militancy' " during the Sikh Genocide of 1983-84 [ Bajrang ]. Created with the objective of the eradication of Sikhs which it has termed "Muslims in disguise", its cadres fought alongside Congress-backed Hindutva militias during the massacre of 200,000 Sikhs under Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi. Recruits carry a " knife-like trident to be slung across the shoulder - an answer to the Sikh kirpan " [ Bajrang ]. It has subsequently expanded its targets to include Muslims and Christians as well.

  • Ranvir Sena Army of Ranvir The militia was founded in 1994 by `the merger of several upper-caste private armies such as the Savarna Liberation front and the Sunlight Sena' [ Rama ] in order to combat Maoist Dalit organisations. It is essentially the Brahmin private army of Bihar. Enjoying clandestine Government support, the organisation is devoted to anti-Dalit terrorism and the preservation of the Vedic apartheid system. Its militiamen are known to be heavily armed with the most modern weaponry which is financed by the VHP, and the Sena has openly claimed responsibility for numerous massacres of landless Dalit Blacks and mass rapes of Dalit women. Human Rights Watch estimates the private army has been responsible for more than 400 deaths [ HRW ].

  • Shiv Sena Shivaji's Army The Shiva Sena arose as a movement amongst Congress members. It intitially unleashed a `physical annihilation' of Communists (who were mainly Black) and against Dalits, and organised the mass murder of Bombay's once-influential Black South Indian communities (`lungiwallahs') and Gujaratis [ Roots ]. Subsequently, it engaged in the mass murder of 3000 Muslims [ Sri ]

  • ABVP Indian Universities Council This front comprises students of Hindu religious schools (vidyalayas). It has expanded its base by infiltration into `secular' universities. Its higher-ranking cadres are well-equipped with weaponry; they often organise communal campus disturbances against Christians, Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists and Jains. Most of its members graduate to become hardcore RSS and VHP militants.

  • Bharatiya Jan Sangh Indic Race Party Founded in October 1951 with the Bengal Brahmin Shyama Prasad Mookerjee as its president, who had resigned from the allied `soft' Brahminist Congress in Apil 1950 [ Chandra ] was president until he died in 1953. Its cadres were carefully chosen indoctrinated activists. The second president, the Brahmin Mauli Chandra Sharma resigned in 1954 to protest against RSS domination of the party. It strove for an `Akhand Bharat' [ Chandra ] ethnically cleansed of its Muslim, Christian and Black Sudroid Populations.

  • Hindu Mahasabha Great Congress of Hindus The Sabha began as `an extremist wing of the Congress Party' [ Perry ] and was founded by the Maratha Brahmin Vinayak Damodar Sarvarkar. Influenced by `German racism' [ Letter ] Sarvarkar sought to establish a racially pure Hindu state ethnically cleansed of its non-Hindu populations. Sarvarkar's followers were involved in the brutal assasinations of of Sir Wyllie [ Sarvar ].

  • HSC (Hindu Students Council)World Hindu Council The `student wing' of the VHP [ Biju ]. It conducted the the World Vision 2000 conference in Washington D.C in 1993 which was a celebration over the destruction of Babri Masjid and the attendant genocide of 5,000 Muslims [ Biju ]. It is involved in setting up hardcore Hindutva websites across the internet, spewing hatred against Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and Sikhs.

  • Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (HSS)Hindu Volunteers Association The HSS was formed in the US in the 1980s, ` openly claiming allegiance to the founding principles of the RSS' [ Biju ], in order to organise Hindu terrorists in America.

  • Arya Samaj Society of Aryans Founded by Dayanand Sarasvat (born 12 Feb 1824) [ Rao ] Swami Dayanand established the Arya Samaj in 1875. The Dayanand Anglo Vaidic schools (DAVs) are its propaganda wing, designed to raise a generation of brainwashed militants. Most of its students go on to become hardcore RSS and ABVP members. The Arya Samaj is the fountain of the Hindutva movement : `The rise of Hindu nationalism can be traced to the Arya Samaj in the late nineteenth century' [ Perry ]. Dayananad Sarasvati was a bigoted anti-Islamist. This is what he had to say regarding Islam :
    " Such teachings deserve to be utterly discarded. Such a book [ Quran ], such a prophet [ Mohammed ] and such a religion [ Islam ] do nothing but harm. The world would be better off without them. Wise men would do well to discard a religion so absurd and accept the Vedic faith which is absolutely free from error." [Polemics], [ Sarasvati, p.633 ] The raison-d'etre of the Arya Samaj was anti-Islamism and anti-Sikhism :
    " Both of the early leaders of the militant Aryas, Pandit Lekh Ram and Lala Munshi Ram [in 1917 he became Swami Shraddhananda], died at the hands of Muslim assassins as a direct result of their involvement in communal activities -- polemics and conversions. Lekh Ram was killed in 1897 due to hostile exchanges with the Ahmadiya sect of Qadian. Shraddhanand was murdered in 1926 due to his shuddhi activities in Delhi and the United Provinces." [ Polemics ]

  • Ram Rajya Parishad Council of the Kingdom of Ram Formed with the explicit purpose of re-establishing Ram-Rajya (the Empire of Ram), its goal was the elimination of Sudroid Blacks (Dalits, Dravidians, Adivasis, Kolarians) and to establish a racially pure Aryan nation on the lines of Ram-Rajya. Jan Sangh, the Hindu Mahasabha and the Ram Rajya Parishad was 10 seats with 6.4 per cent of the votes. [ Chandra ] By 1967 it had disappeared.

Hinduism views on sikhism

Brahminism has always feared the Sikh faith. The Sikh Gurus proclaimed the equality of all humanity and rejected practices like caste, holy threads and worship of the cow. The exploitation of simple people by the Brahmin was eliminated. Hindu fundamentalists have taken a keen interest in destroying Sikhism for centuries.This picture below will will sum up all hindu views on sikhism.All sikhs guru were hindu and so all sikhs must be hindu.These are following ways they have tried to desolve khalsa into hinduism.

A 25-Point of Attack

The RSS has 25 points with which it hopes to attack the Sikh faith and lead to its eventual assimilation. All 25 points are very easily refuted but lack of education and knowledge coupled with the RSS's organized attack make this a serious danger.These points are already being incorporated into school text books and taught as real history. This skewed history is already taught in many areas.

1) Sikhs are an inseparable part of Hindu society.

2) If Hinduism is a tree, Sikhism is a fruit on that tree.

3) Gurbani is like the Ganga, it emerges from the Gangotri of the Vedas

4) The Khalsa was crated to protect Hinduism and finish islam from the world

5) Japji Sahib is a summary of the Gita

6) The Failure of the 1857 "War of Independence" [in reality an unorganized uprising by Poorbiya soldiers who 8 years earlier helped the British conquer Punjab] was defeated only by the Sikhs

7) Banda Singh Bahadur was really Veer Banda Bairagi

8) The Sikh Gurus worshipped the cow

9) Condemning Bhai Kanh Singh Nabha and Bhai Veer Singh

10) Use examples from Trumpp and other anti-Sikh western scholars

11) The Sikh Gurus used Vedic ceremonies

12) Guru Gobind Singh worshipped the Goddess Durga

13) Guru Sahib was from the family or Ram and his devotee

14) Sikhs are from Lav-Kush1

5) Baba Ram Singh was the legitimate Guru of the Sikhs

16) Create posters which challenge Sikh principles but appear to be pro-Sikh

17) Insist on using the Bikrami calendar and share Hindu festivals

18) Call Bhai Hakeekat Singh, Hakeekat Rai and illustrate him as a clean-shaven Hindu

19) Claim [with no historical basis] that Guru Gobind Singh sent his army to liberate Ram Janam Bhumi in Ayodhya from the Mughals

20) To create the Khalsa, Guru Gobind Singh seeked blessing from the gods and goddesses and used Hindu mantras. The Kakaars were also blessings from the gods.

21) "OM" and waheguru are the same thing

22) Call Bhai Mati Das "Guru Mati Das Sharma"

23) To do parkash of Sree Guru Granth Sahib in Mandirs and put pictures of Hindu Gods in Sikh Gurdwaras

24) Project Guru Gobind Singh as having taken a different ideology from Guru Nanak and to make him into a Patriotic Hero of IndiaGuru Gobind Singh with Rana Partap and other Hindu "Heros"

25) Make all of Sikh history take a Hindu tint.


Stealing in the name of religion

There many multi-faith organisations are opening in u.k. using all kind of wearied and wonderful ideas to attract people from all religion .at the core of these organisation is superstition and ideal-worshiping. On the face these organisations are trying to bring all people from all communities together but the reality is much more dark and sinister. They only concentrate on fraud weak and helpless people out money.On the face these are charities working for better of the community. It is healing people of all ills using spirituality and understanding of astrology. But infect it is front for robbing people. They deliberately target the most wander able people at the worst time of their life. By promising miracles they can make you anything they want from money to sexual assaults.

Using threats of violence and black magic they are black mailing people. Once they get you into their trap they can take you for mug and take as much money as they want and some cases sexual assault and rape do occurred. but victims are under so much pressure from these people and their community, violence and black magic. They suffer alone and have one to tune to.In majority of the cases these kinds of organisations are run by organised gangs. These gangs are committed to fraud and violence. They have money coming from everywhere they register themselves as charities and rob money from the government as well as the local public. Money coming to them is always in un-accounted for because as charities they justify any amount of for versos proposes.

Such a place was operating in Southall and it was called “baba wadbagh singh trust”. 8A GREENFORD ROAD GREENFORD MIDDLESEX UB6 was registered charity. It was under an umbrella called “FOUNDATION OF SPRITUAL HEALING AND GIDUENE”. It was a registered charity run by a women called ajit kaur bhadun.she has many names one for every religion, for Sikhs she is “ajit kaur” for hindu she is known as “sundry kumari” etc.

She is a woman of no faith and neither does she believe in any religion or neither does she respect any religion. She was openly using religion to fraud people out of money.
She had kept Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji was being kept in the premises of the Baba Vadbhag Singh Trust in Greenford (near Southall) in unacceptable conditions.Idols worship took place there. Guru Nanak Dev ji completely condemned such acts as being a waste of time:
It is unacceptable to have Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji in such a place just as it would be unacceptable to have Guru ji in a mosque or church.In addition, a bra and television set was found in the Sachkhand where Guru ji saroop was kept over night.That Sunday, the local Southall Sangat was succesful in negotiating the return of Guru ji's saroop to a Gurdwara Sahib. We congratulate all those who worked to achieve this positive outcome.


Manusmriti – Law book of Hinduisum

I – 93. As the Brahmana sprang from (Prajapati’s i.e. God’s) mouth, as he was first-born, and as he possesses the veda, he is by right the lord of this whole creation.
XI – 261-62. A Brahmana who has killed even the peoples of the three worlds, is completely freed from all sins on reciting three times the Rig, Yajur or Sama- Veda with the Upanishad.
II – 100. Whatever exists in the world is the property of the Brahmana; on account of the excellence of his origin the Brahmana is indeed, entitled to it all. Including all kind of wealth, foods, he can have every woman in the world including his own mother, sister or daughter.
Hinduism on shudras
Jatt ,tarkhan, chamar and dalits are all modern time factions of sudars
IV – 99. He (Braman) must never read (the vedas) ----- in the presence of the shudras.
X – 129. No collection of wealth must be made by a shudra even though he is able to do it; for a shudra who has acquired wealth gives pain to Brahmana.
VIII – 270. A shudra who insults a Braman man with gross invective, shall have his tongue cut out; for he is of low origin.
VIII – 271. If he mentions names and castes of the (Braman) with contumely, an iron nail, ten fingers long red hot, shall be thrusted into his mouth.
XII. 4. If the shudra intentionally listens for committing to memory the veda, then his ears should be filled with (molten) lead and lac; if he utters the veda, then his tongue should be cut off; if he has mastered the veda his body should be cut to pieces.
The status of women in Hinduism
Women is a slave of the bramana and she must live her life according to his wishes
IX – 317. A Brahmin, whether learned or ignorant, is a powerful divinity.
IX – 3 . Her father protects (her) in childhood, her husband protects (her) in youth and her sons protect (her) in old age; a woman is never fit for independence.
IX – 18. Women have no business with the text of the veda.
IX – 189. The property of a Brahmana must never be taken by the king, that is a settled rule; but (the property of men) of other castes the king may take on failure of all (heirs).

Brahma is one of the three main gods-Trimurti-of the Hindu pantheon. He is the creator of the universe, Saraswati, who became the wife of her own father, was the daughter of Brahma. There are two stories about her genesis in the "Saraswati Purana". One is that Brahma created his beautiful daughter Saraswati direct from his "vital strength" or seminal fluid. The other is that Brahma used to collect his semen in a pot whenever he masturbated fixing his carnal eyes on the celestial beauty Urvasi. Brahma's semen in the pot gave birth to Saraswati. Thus,Saraswati had no mother. This daughter or grand-daughter of Brahma is the Hindu goddess of learning. When Brahma saw the beauty of Saraswati he became amorous. To escape from her father's passionate approach Saraswati ran to the lands in all four directions, but she could not escape from her father. She succumbed to Brahma's wish. Brahma and his daughter Saraswati lived as husband and wife indulging in incest for 100 years. They had a son Swayambhumaru. Swayambhumaru made love with his sister Satarpa. Through the incest of Brahma's son and daughter Brahma got two grandsons and two grand-daughters.

God Shiva had two wives-Ganga and Parwati. It was while Shiva was frolicking and making love with Parwati in the forest in the form of elephants that Ganapati, the god with the head of an elephant was born. On another occasion when Shiva was frolicking with Parwati in the form of a monkey, Hanuman the monkey god was born. Once when Parwati was away, Shiva had sexual inter course with a woman called Madhura, who came to Kailas to worship him. On her return, Parwati saw her husband Shiva making love with Madhura, and she became a frog. When the period of the curse was over after twelve years, the frog took the form of Mandodari who became the wife of Ravana, the ten-headed king of Lanka. The sperm of Shiva which remained dormant in the womb of Mandodari when the was frog began to develop, and finally gave birth to Indrajit. Thus, the so-called son of Ravana-Indrajit of Lanka-was an intelligence son of Shiva.

Indra is the head of all gods. Amarawati was his celestial residence. Arjun was born to Indra as a result of his clandestine adultery with Pandu's wife, he had no hesitation in committing adultery with the wives of other men. One day when Indra saw Ruchi, the beautiful wife of Devasarma, he became extremely passionate and wanted to seduce her. But Ruchi chased Indra out ,and he had to go away disappointed. On another occasion Indra could not control his sexual passion when he saw Goutama's wife Ahalya. He committed adultery with Ahalya when her husband was away. On his return home Goutama saw Indra in sexual interlock with his wife. Goutama cursed both of them. Once Aruna visited Devaloka in the disguise of a woman. When Indra saw this woman in disguise he could not control his passion. He had sexual intercourse with this imitation woman. Bali was born as the result of this un-natural homosexual cohabitation.

Hindu Caste System & Hinduism:Vedic vocations (Hindu castes) werenot related to heredity (birth) (by Dr. Subhash C. Sharma ; Email:; link to: Related topics by the author )
Rather coincidentally, at the dawn of civilization, as the people gathered and lived in clans or tribes (Visha), they collectively - irrespective of their undertakings within Visha (such as in agriculture, woodworking, trade and other vocations) - came to be known as the Vaishya (meaning - belonging to Visha).
To meet the liturgical needs of the society, the Vaishya - from among themselves - would select, on the basis of skills in elocution, the Brahmins (students or orators of the Vedas - compiled knowledge). Similarly, for administrative purposes, Vaishya with qualities of leadership would be selected as Kshatriya (sovereign, tribal chieftain, administrator of Kshatar - dominion or tribal area / town). Furthermore, a Visha (tribe) - in addition to having the Vaishyas (including Brahmins, Kshatriya, cowherders and woodworkers etc.) - also embodied people known as Shudra (meaning - not of tribe) representing all the newcomers (immigrants) to that particular tribe. They included persons from other tribes (such as the vanquished foes and the migrants) and the children born out of inter-tribal unions. Being somewhat new into that tribe and encountering unfamiliar rules, regulations and customs, a Shudra was limited in his vocational options and was generally relegated to providing service and assistance to members of the host tribe. But over time, like a modern day immigrant, he would surpass the tribal or social barriers so as to fully assimilate in that society and pursue other professions. Thus, all the responsibilities related to a Visha could be grouped into four sub-categories: Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra; the duties and skills involved with each of them are indicated in the following Sections.
Note also that, in old times, there was no concept of money or cash. People produced things and bartered (traded) them for other goods and services. A producer or trader belonging to Vaishya would include people such as farmer producing grains and milk etc., blacksmith (Lohar) making iron implements, leather-worker (Charmar or Chamar, charm meaning leather) manufacturing shoes, and so on. Thus, for subsistence, a Brahmin would do worship (puja) in a 'Vaishya' farmer's house and get grains and milk in return. Similarly, a Chamar would exchange shoes for food items from a farmer, iron implements from a Lohar, and so on. Similarly, a 'Shudra' servant might work or help in a farmer's field for food in return. If he were to help a Lohar, then Lohar would provide him with food items. Moreover, all these people would give a share of their goods (produce) and services to the Kshatriya (tribal chief) for administration of Visha (tribe or society). Society was basically managed through bartering system.
2. BACKGROUND and DISCUSSION (Various Social and Cultural Issues)
The ancient society recognized the importance of all. Irrespective of one's skill or background, there was a place for him / her to participate actively and make useful contribution. The ceremonial rites, though conducted by the learned priest, were open to all. People used prayers for atonement and benediction for all. Everyone sent their "heroes" (sons) to the battles for Visha or to protect and assist the Sovereign. A number of important aspects of the ancient society can be further clarified by considering the following passages (with references to one God or BRAHMAN+, and manifesting as Agni, Indra or Savitar) from Vedas& (ancient Hindu texts).
From the RIGVEDA:
"What God shall we adore with our oblation?...He is the God of gods and none beside Him...O Father, thou Creator of Heaven and Earth, by eternal Law ruling - protect us...O Almighty, the Lord of beings, you alone pervade all the created beings..." (Book 10, Hymn: 121.8-10) / p. 98
"We all possess various thoughts and plans and diverse are the callings of men. The carpenter seeks out that which is cracked, the physician the ailing, the priest the worshipper......." (Book 9, Hymn 112.1) / p. 84
"I am a bard, my father is a physician, my mother's job is to grind the corn......" (Book 9, Hymn 112.3) / p. 84
"The man who has awakened to the knowledge, becomes perfect. Let him speak for us to the gods..." (Book 5, Hymn 65.1) / p. 49
"May they, our Fathers who in their skill belong to the lowest order, attain higher one, those of midmost may attain the highest. May they who have attained a life of spirit, the knower of sacrifice, the guileless, help us when called upon...." (Book 10, Hymn 15.1-2) / p. 87
"Let gods lead us, let there be a stable union of the wife and husband... May authority be ever yours (i.e., wife's) in speech. Happy be you and prosper with your children, and be ever watchful to rule the household. Unite yourself with this man your husband. So authority will be yours in speech.. May the kinsman of the bride thrive well.." (Book 10, Hymn 85.26-28) / p. 94
"May the gods grant riches to the men more liberal than the terrifying..." (Book 1, Hymn 185.9) / p. 26
"May gods anoint this man to be without rival, for mighty rule, for mighty dominion and for great splendour. This man, son of such a person, such a woman, of such a clan, is anointed king, O you subjects... He is your lord...He is also sovereign of our learned Brahmins...Let all men protect him." (Kanda 1, Prapathaka 8, Hymn i.8.10.c) / p. 54
"O Agni, may all mortals seek your friendship, the guide of all. May all solicit you for glory, riches and fame. May all of us prosper as you do." (Kanda 1, Prapathaka 3, Hymn i.4.46.a-c) / p. 64
"O Agni, grant glory to our Brahmins, set luster in our Kshatriyas, luster in our Vaishyas, luster in our Shudras.." (Kanda 5, Prapathaka 7, Hymn v.7.6.d) / p. 102
"O god Savitar.. strengthen the life of subjects, strengthen the subjects..." (Kanda 1, Prapathaka 3, Hymn i.3.6.m-n) / p. 34
"O Agni...each fault done in a village or in forest, in society or mind, each sinful act that we have committed to Shudra or Vaishya or by preventing a religious act, even of that sin, you are the expiation..." (Kanda 1, Prapathaka 8, Hymn i.8.3.d) / p. 111
"He who knows well both knowledge and Nescience simultaneously, overcoming death by knowledge attains life immortal." (Isa Upanishad - verse 11) / p. 159
From the SAMVEDA:
"May our subjects be rich and strong with the favor of Indra. May we be wealthy in food, rejoice with them..." (Part Second, Book 4, Ch. 1, Hymn 14) / p. 74
As a part of God's creation (work), the four vocations are subgrouped according to people's guna (skills) and karma (assignments). Know that all work is for Him, even though He is beyond work, in Eternity. (Ch. 4 - verse 13)
Ignorant men, but not the wise, say that Sankhya (variously as: Jnana Yoga , Sanyasa or Surrender, Path of Vision or Wisdom) and Yoga (variously as: Karma Yoga, Tyaga or Renunciation, Path of Action, Bhakti or devotional service, Japaa or Silence, Dhayana or Contemplation / Meditation, Brahamcharya or Austerity, Vaanprastha or Hermitlike) are different paths; but he who gives his self (soul) to one reaches the end of two. (Ch. 5- verse 4)
Even if the greatest sinner worships God with all his soul, he must be considered righteous because of his righteous will. (Ch. 9 - verse 30)
And he shall soon become pure and reach everlasting peace. For this is His covenant that he who adores Him is not lost. (Ch. 9 - verse 31)
God is one in all, but it seems as if he were many; He (as Vishnu / preserver) supports all beings: from Him (as Rudra / destroyer) ensues end, and from Him (as Brahma / creator) ensues beginning. (Ch. 13 - verse 16)
The duties involving Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra are grouped according to people's abilities and skills. (Ch. 18 - verse 41)
The skills for a Brahmin involve serenity, self-harmony, austerity and purity, loving-forgiveness and righteousness; vision, wisdom and faith. (Ch. 18 - verse 42)
The qualities needed according to Kshatriya are: a heroic mind, splendor or inner fire, constancy, resourcefulness, courage in battle, generosity and noble leadership. (Ch. 18 - verse 43)
Trade, agriculture and rearing of cattle may be tackled by Vaishya; and the background (tenure) of a Shudra is also suited to providing support (Ch. 18 - verse 44)
People attain perfection when they find joy in their work. Hear how a person attains perfection and finds joy in his work. (Ch. 18 - verse 45)
A person achieves perfection when his work is - performed with pure feeling of - worship of God, from whom all things come and who is in all. (Ch. 18 - verse 46)
The words of vision and wisdom have been conveyed. Ponder them in the silence of your soul, and then in freedom do your will. (Ch. 18 - verse 63)

protest gaints namdharies

The first Guru of namdharies was called Balak Singh. His mother was blessed with the 'Darshan' of Guru Nanak DevJi. According to the namdhari prophecy, Guru Balak Singh, lived in obscurity, and was confered the Gur-Gaddi by Guru Gobind Singh. As show in this namdhari picture. They claimed that guru gobind Singh je ran away from war as he was afraid of the moguls. He could not cope with death of his sons and ran away and when he saw balak singh .He new that balak singh was gifted and was the next guru of the Sikhs. These stupid namdharis also claim that balak singh converted guru gobid singh back into Hindu and the practiced Hindu religion for rest of his days. He lived out the remainder of his life under the name of Baba Ajapal Singh and during those chaotic years continued to aid hindus in times of distress.
During this period, the Guru visited many temples. He lived with Balak Singh as his son. Ever since his early childhood Balak Siagh had been absorbed in the worshiping of kali mata and ram chandar. He wanted to tell the whole world the truth that guru nanak dev was wrong to tell them to stop worshiping idols. Ramchandar is the only truth and we must fallow his teaching. To protect the cow and fight the demons which according to him are Muslims.

This is the picture of the current Naamdhari satguru jagjit singh. He claims to be the guru of all Sikhs. He has gone against all the teachings of guru granth sahib ji by the following:
· That Sikhs are Hindus.
· He openly calls guru granth sahib a book and tell his followers to treat it like a book.
· He openly perches idol-worshipping.
· He was written his own bani.
· The namdharies marriages are performed according to the Hindu ritual
· He is a practicing Homosexual.